About The Project


From organizing nannies on New York City playgrounds 15 years ago, the National Domestic Workers Alliance has built a powerful movement, gained incredible local and federal policy victories, and shifted the national conversation on domestic workers.

Their 15th Anniversary in Washington D.C. was a pivotal moment to bring the community together, acknowledging progress, shaping what’s next and – ultimately – celebrating the strength and leadership of the worker members that made this all possible.

The Strategy

Create an experience that positions domestic workers as bold innovators at the forefront of reimagining a more just, more caring, and more equitable future – for all workers. 

The Experience

The Future Is Us

This event traced NDWA’s rise from the playgrounds of New York into a powerful political force shaping policy in Washington D.C. and beyond – propelled by the care, dedication, and determination of domestic workers.

The grand entrance of the venue featured a gallery-style timeline commemorating the work and progress of NDWA over the past 15 years – and projecting what the future might hold. Through oversized photo walls, we highlighted the organization’s beginning on the playgrounds of New York and uplifted key movement milestones and moments using archival pictures.

Across the rest of the event, we created original graphics, imagery, and experiences that celebrated domestic workers as empowering, regal and futuristic. We celebrated what it means to be part of a community. And we shared a strong vision of the future of the movement – for the next 15 years and beyond – to transform the nation not just for domestic workers, but for all workers.


Over 300 attendees joined the experience, building strategies and relationships across the weekend. The events also included a message from President Biden and appearances from Congresswoman Nikema Williams and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal.

Jenn Stowe, Executive Director of NDWA

“This year is special. We have created a space to look back at what we’ve built and what we’re building towards. Our moment is now. And if you think the last 15 years were impactful, just wait to see what we have in mind for the next decade. We all come to this table, as domestic workers, daughters and granddaughters of domestic workers, as carriers of the torch to make the impossible possible.”


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